Saturday, July 10, 2010

Running HOT!!!

So I spewed off a few buy-ins semi-bluffing in the deepstack games, but I've rebuilt, and since then, I've been running super hot at 10NL. I'm actually up to $380ish. After breaking-even for a while, winning some, losing some, I've finally got my act together and have been playing really well. I've posted a few hands over at 2+2:

Yes, I did actually fold here, although in retrospect, I feel this was more of a brain-fart than a sick read. At the time, it just seemed that any one-pair hand that would 3b there would have bet that flop, and when he bets the turn, I felt (at the time) that his range became more weighted to sets/AJ. However, in looking it over, I think most sets are betting that flop as well, and the turn is more like AQ, AJ, JJ, AT, and maybe some pure bluffs (like weak Ax hands he squeezed with). Honestly, I'm not really sure. But I did fold, so I guess I'll never know.

As the first (and only) poster says, yes, I really did butcher the shit out of this one. I don't mind the flop flat initially, but when it get minraised and called, I should have 3bet. This is a tragedy of too many tables, honestly, and I'm starting to use PokerTracker, so I was trying to configure it and not playing as well as I could have. Play it fast, get called by fish, that's what I should have done.

I explain exactly what my thought process was in the thread:

Villain is 20/17, 50% fold to 3b over 250ish hands. He willing to semi-bluff his draws, and I've seen him bluff at scary boards (bluffraised an Ahi flop, c/r as a semi-bluff w a FD on another Ahi flop; in both of those hands, his villains were stationy), but neither of those are in 3b/4b pots, so I'm not sure how he plays in those, if he plays any different.

I also have a hand vs him where he c/r me when a flush came in after I flat the flop.

I just felt that I was way behind his 4b for value range, and that the best way to get value out of his bluffing range was to let him bluff. It's also not a CO v BTN situation, it's MP v CO, so I don't expect him to view my 3b range from the CO v MP as particularly bluffy, but I called preflop because the 4b looked weak (raising $1 to $2). When he checked the flop and then bet the turn, I felt even more like he was bluffing, and as I said, I would call any river shove. Unfortunately, the K popped, and I was now behind AK as well as some other weak Kx hands he may have 4b as a bluff, so I folded.

I actually love this play. It did work, but I was wondering if I'm being too proud of myself or if it was actually a good play. Again my thoughts are in the thread:

His range seems heavily weighted to weak one-pair hands, and my range looks like I was drawing or slow-playing a big hand which I popped on the river.

Life is good. Still need to do a review of the next round of the quintuple shootout I won. Other than that, just chugging along. Hoping to get to 25NL soon. That would be sweet...

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