Monday, May 17, 2010

Busted :(

I busted the tourny in like 20th, which sucks because I was the big stack for a while.  I lost like 3 flips in a row (AJ>55, AJ>K3s, 99>A3; granted, the last wasn't a flip, but an ace came on the flop every time except for mine :( ).  It was a nice run, I feel like I'm playing tournies a lot better than I used to.  I like playing one or two tournies a day, hoping for a big cash, while playing cash games on the side.  The players are so bad, it hurts sometimes.

I've got stuff to do today, so I'll probably do a session review Wednesday, and maybe play again either Wednesday or Friday (although Friday is my birthday, so I'll probably go out).

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