Saturday, May 15, 2010

Follow-Up to the First Session

I didn't get a chance to post after my first session.  I'm remembering why I found multi-tabling so much more difficult at 25NL.  There were a few times in my session that I was looking at a hand, going "How did I get here?"  I ended up ~$2.50 for the session, which is a start.  2NL is going to be slow going though.  You don't really start getting any "play" until 10NL at least.

I've started doing my session review.  I haven't come across any interesting hands yet, but I've started taking notes, so I'm really interested in using this review process more when I get up limits.  For now, I'm not looking at hands that don't go to showdown that I wasn't involved in.  You don't really get into 3betting and 4betting wars until 25NL at least, so I'm not really going to start looking into preflop dynamics at all (i.e. who's 3bets out of the blinds vs. who 3bets more against a CO open).  I know there's at least two hands I'll be posting (both of then when I had jacks), but I haven't come to them in my review yet.

That's all for now.  Got work today, probably going to finish my review tomorrow, post some hands, and have another session either after the review or Monday.  I will keep you updated.

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