So I started off reviewing some of my HHs. This was the first big one, in the first HU SnG I played. 4th hand, nothing special has happened so far, and I get overshoved into on the river after rivering my straight on a paired board. Do you call this?
Poker Stars, $2 Buy-in (10/20 blinds) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 2 Players
Poker Tools by CardRunners - Hand Details
Hero: 1,600 (80 bb)
regfish: 1,400 (70 bb)
Preflop: Hero is SB with 7
Hero raises to 60, regfish calls 40
Flop: (120) K
regfish checks, Hero bets 80, regfish calls 80
Turn: (280) 5
regfish checks, Hero bets 180, regfish calls 180
River: (640) 4
regfish bets 1,080 and is all-in, Hero ???
Posted @ 2+2 here:
Honestly, how often does villain c/c, c/c, shove a naked 8 here vs. a boat or some other pair? His line looks like he wanted to get max value and was afraid of me checking behind. So he either his a set or K8. In retrospect, I think 8x without a boat has to raise somewhere earlier. It's only with hand like a boat where he doesn't really have to worry about me improving that he can just c/c, c/c like that. It's tough to fold a straight HU, though. How often is villain just spazzing here? At this level, probably very little.
Is this result-oriented thinking? Because he obviously showed up with the boat...heh.
(Edit: I got an interesting response on the forum that I hadn't considered:
"ez call every time. fish do this with missed draws even an 8 here enough times. ya sure small % of the time they have the boat and get to the river w/o building a pot and go "oh, fk" and just over jam to get stacks in."
Maybe I am being results oriented. I think it's just that I ran into this situation in another SnG that's changing my thinking.)
After reviewing a few SnGs, I realize I am pretty bad at HU SnGs. Need to be a bit more active, stop limping my button so much, stab at a few more pots, and not call off all my chips w A4o (yes, that's how one of them ended; after a long, protracted battle, we got down to 50/100 about even with 1500ish each, I raise, villain shoves, and I was I thinking?)
The review is certainly helpful, though, as I played the few HU sessions I reviewed pretty passively/stationy, and not well as all. With HU SnGs, it's usually waaaay too aggressive, or waaay too passive. Still trying to find that medium.
Off to bed! More review in the morning.
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