Saturday, June 5, 2010

Big Ups, Big Downs

Bleh, today I lost $23ish. Definitely lost a bunch at the beginning of the session on suckouts. I don't think I tilted too much, honestly, but I definitely played a REALLY long session, and played a good portion of it without enough focus on what was going on. I needed more coffee and maybe more sleep in general. Can't be doing that, definitely -EV. However, given my mental state and the suckouts, I definitely think it could have been a lot worse, which is pretty good. I kept my cool well enough to play OK poker, not A-game, but definitely at least B-game.

Yeah, definitely need more coffee. My head is starting to hurt :(.

I haven't received a response to my email to CardRunners about their replayer, except to say that its been forwarded on to their tech department. I'm going to play around with it again tonight, but we'll see what I'm going to do about that.

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