Sunday, June 6, 2010

So I Lied...

I played a short session today. It went much better. I made $15ish, which puts me around $102ish.

I've started reviewing some more hands. The CardRunners HH replayer is working a bit better; I don't if it's because of my email or what happened. I did find that if I made some random edit, undid the edit, saved the file, and THEN uploaded the hand history, it worked. I have no idea why or what the deal is with hand histories and replayers, but it's a fine enough workaround, so I'm not really going to worry about.

I have soooo many sessions to review. I'm going to start going through them a little more today. Ultimately, I don't really feel it's necessary to review everything as I'm going; it's just important to be constantly reviewing your play. I'm working my way through all the HHs I have so far, taking notes about my play, adding notes into Stars on my opponents (to me, that's the most important part; when you're playing 6-8 tables, you don't have time to watch every hand and take notes on your opponents play in hands you're not in), and generally, trying to improve myself as I move forward.

It's too bad I had such a bad day yesterday, but poker is like that. You take 2 steps forward, one step back, downswings and breakeven stretches are the norm, and sometimes you tilt and undo a lot of good play. Ultimately, if you go into every session in the best possible mindset and a clear head, the cards will do what they do.

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